Upcoming Events:
Outreach Venue Testing:
The Movement provides free HIV testing at several locations around the city. Testing is conveniently available at different time frames (including late hours) and in a non-clinical setting. Call 504-607-2490 for more information.
- The Page: Once a month on Friday from 12am-2am
542 N. Rampart NOLA 70112 - III Palms Bar and Grill: Every third Wednesday 6-9 pm
3818 Tulane Ave NOLA 70119 - LGBTQ Center: Every 1stand 3rd week
2727 S Broad Ave, New Orleans, LA 70125 - The Drop: Event Monday 2-6 pm
1631 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans, LA 70117 - Southern Dynasty Review: Once a month on Thursday from 9-1am
5732 Salmen St Elmwood, LA 70123
Other Common Sites:
- Dillard University
- Southern University at New Orleans (SUNO)
- University of New Orleans (UNO)
- Xavier University
NOTE: Venue-based testing is subject to change and/or cancellation depending on holidays or events at the bars. For an exact date of when we're scheduled to be at one of the above venues, please call us at 504-607-2490 or check out our calendar.

The Movement is a community providing services focused on LGBTQIA individuals of color. Services include free HIV and STI testing, one-on-one counseling, social services navigation, and community events.